MSC#1 Results
Upcoming Events
8th Screenshot Contest
8th Screenshot Contest
Our latest company photo! November 2021. To the moon!
Our Newest Letter
Alexanders Gears of Change
2022 – a FCs Recap
Our Newest Member
Dash Nemo
Our Newest Guide
Screenshots for Dummies
Our Groups
Flaming Dragons
Fight Club
Classic Raiders

⮞ About Us

SleepingDragons is an FC/ Guild/ Free Company/ Community in the successful MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV or FFXIV.
Located on the EU - Datacenter's Phoenix (Light).

Sleeping Dragons is a casual community best described as a cosy house where people of all walks meet.
We are a smallish FC, but active enough to fill your days, be it with events inside the game, playing other games as a group or just sharing memes and chatting in Discord. Whatever you want to do, someone is always ready to join you. 

Sometimes you will wonder how you ended up in this pit of depravity, but isn’t that part of the fun? Star Wars debates? We have that. Morally apprehensive memes? Also check. People sharing their passion projects, be it painting miniatures, dancing or woodwork? YEAH. We are a diverse bunch, and everyone offers something unique to it that makes the FC better.

But in the end, we stand united through the game and our company. We still laugh at the same jokes and all hype up the new patches. We learn from each other and well for most we have become a cosy place to find comfort in, or just experience new things when a Member shows you his passion. Just like everybody plays other games like Stardew Valley, CIV, Chess or fighting games, but we still do it together as an FC.

Sometimes, tightly-knit communities can feel daunting to join, but we recommend you to give it a try and join one of the events. Then you can get a feel for what kind of people we are. ❤

⮞ Our Events (and why we want you)

We offer a good variety of events. We have some Events that are regularly, and we have smaller groups, as seen just a bit above. In short:
FlamingDragons is a long term event, where we introduce non-raiders to savage content at the end of an expansion pack.
ClassicRaiders is a weekly repeated event where you can challenge old content as a newcomer or veteran, in a loose static.
Fight Club is a non ffxiv related group to fighting games.

But we also have more open Events aswell! Casual Wednesday is an ongoing event, where we do casual stuff on Wednesdays and just stay in touch with each other! It might be sometimes also a current extreme! So don't relax too much! You will often hear it shortened as "CW" when we talk about it.

We have also plenty of events that are somewhat reoccurring. I just recommend checking it out for yourself to get a better vision for it!

For bigger events, we have gathering events, a screenshot contest and are even trying to find a better, mostly fairer concept for a glamour show to include newer and less gil owning players!

In closing, I want to say, we like events and sharing what we love and our passion for not just this game, but gaming in general. If you have an Idea for an Event, or want to run something yourself, you are always welcome. Communities like our depend on the work people put in to host something. Even if you just want to join and have fun, you are of course welcome! Also, we kinda don't stop at FFXIV. While we stay of course a main FFXIV FC, we also enjoy plenty of phasmo, stardew, valheim and whatever is played right now.

⮞ Contact us!

All those communities and events are open to everybody, even if you are not in the FC. Since often a limited amount of people can join, we try to make the best out of it, people are always happy to sit out themselves to allow somebody new to include themselves. As long as you generally socialize in our Discord, we don't care too much about the "FC Tag" you are wearing. This is also true for all other events. So if you are uncertain, just join our discord and play with us before you apply!

So, still unsure if you fit? Just want to try out with no strings attached? Just join our Discord!

Here you can check out our current Lodestone: SleepingDragons.

-Have fun gaming and see you in game!

Guild Organisation
Our Crew