The 6th screenshot contest concludes

“Light vs. Dark”

From the light of the ending summer to the dark of the coming fall. Fitting for the start of the new season, it is time to reminisce in oppositions. Like good versus evil, day against night, there will always be two fronts clashing. So, show us what conflicts you are currently challenging!


“One last Meet up of L and L” by Shadow Cross and Vily’a Maimhov (Rox)

A good starting entry to the second phase, the jury was delighted to see the creative approach to the prompt. Seeing an iconic scene from anime cosplayed in game was a delightful sight. Unfortunately the jury found it a bit lacking as it didn’t go the full way to further commit to the reference. A better location to not merge the glam with the background colors would have made this picture go a lot further.

“Astral & Umbral: Fulmen vs Ventus” by Aqu’a & Ciara

The first battle themed entry of this round had the jury a bit confused. While the angle is something different and the shot shows great utilization of the sky, the jury was a bit unsure, where exactly to find the prompt. Both participants look into the same direction and have similar glam. But what is it, their sight lies upon? Overall a bit de-saturated in its colors but still a solid entry.

“Dissonance” by Laila and Cid

What a visually stunning entry! The effects clearly dominate the screen and the jury is astonished in the amount of frame hunting this must have meant. However with all those effects, the participants themselves get a bit lost in the picture. A bit more dynamic poses or more noticeable glamour could have helped.

3rd Place: “Bare Queens” by Dashing Nemophilist & Xyhala Lavindelia

Taking a theme of battle into a battle of chess had us surprised a lot. Using a black & white filter to further push the colors of chess together with fitting glamour for two queen characters really brought this entry far. Simple in its execution, yet greatly executed, let it stand out a lot. Maybe a slightly different angle would have made it even better.

2nd Place: “And the sky broke before his final strike” by Pelle & Jasar

Second place goes to a very dynamic battle picture. Showing a fight in full motion with very dynamic poses and a great frame control had the jury excited. A basic execution of the giving prompt, yet very well executed itself. A bit more zoomed in on the characters to have less black space on the sides, and it would have made for a great first place.

1st Place: “Captain, whats wrong?” by Mojo and Shae’l

Never thought about the contrast potentially being a difference in interest


A great signature picture for all our screenshot contests: “This is fun!”


First place for the second round goes to this very unique interpretation of the prompt. With a great choice of glamours and wonderful gpose skills in the use of lighting, emotes and environment, the jury had a delightful time looking at this entry. The execution of using enemies as character prompts was also very impressive. Overall a 10/10 for us!

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