8th SHC: Results

Welcome to the results of the 8th screenshot contest. This time we went all out, and we gave out multiple prompts, leaving it up to the participants how many of those they wanted to participate for. And yes, we did say it was possible to walk away with multiple first place prices if you participated in all categories. Now, without further ado, let’s hop to the first category!

Category I : out in the wild | vanilla / standard / unmodded

The “old school” category, with the standard rules of most prior contests. No mods, plugins or shaders allowed. Pure vanilla gpose with the prompt open to everyone’s interpretation.

The jury liked all the entries and since we were in a pretty good mood during judging, we decided that every participant will walk away with the 2 million gil money prize! An item from our πŸ‰ Dragon Loot included! Still, for our grand prize – the Sil’Dihn Throne mount – we had to decide on one single entry.


Laila: Does this mean you are ready for your member page with such nice body and headshots? β™₯
Sometimes you just have to strike a pose right then and there, no matter the location, even if it is in the middle of nowhere. But that smile was enough for us to hand over the money. Hopefully this will not bring up any bad ideas for the next contest.

Country Girl in Big City – Shadow Cross

Thank god this isn’t in Limsa Lominsa. Wholesome as we know it from Shadow. The take on the prompt was quite unexpected, yet very witty!

Mountain moment of remembrance – Mojo Viii

As your eyes caress the landscape, you feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity and belonging. The distant hills and valleys seem to cradle your thoughts, whispering tales of resilience and strength. They remind you of the storms you have weathered, the battles fought within your soul, and the scars that bear witness to your journey. Thank you Mojo

Here we have a rare Dashing Nemophilist in her natural habitat. It’s not often we have the opportunity to see this alpha predator hunting for her next prey, but thanks to the modern technology we have today, we’re able to enjoy this moment in all its glory. Majestic. – Dashing Nemophilist

You get an extra reward for making a future rule on too long titles. πŸ˜€ We love the idea, and it was really great entry, making it very hard for the jury to decide on a winner. Thank you <3

Lalafell Dundee – Rox

A great use of angle, a fitting location chosen and a fun use of Crocodile Dundee πŸ˜€ Maybe chose a less dangerous mount for the next endeavor? How about a fancy throne? ;D

Category II : forgotten deity | modded

This category went a bit out of the usual way we hold our contests. We allowed anything except post-editing. Being aware that this limited the participants to only pc players as best, we limited the rewards to money and an item from our FC chest.

Having said that, the jury has decided that every participant will receive the full 2 million gil and a piece of our πŸ‰ Dragon Loot!

However, since we don’t think it would be a smart idea to show publicly who uses mods, the entries will only be shown on our Discord server in the contest channel. The channel will be up for a month and deleted by August 1st 2023.

Category III : Stormblood Dungeons | vanilla / standard / unmodded + conditions

The third category was our Express contest. The participants only had a week to take and send in a picture and to top it off, they were also limited by certain conditions. The prompt was all about Stormblood dungeons. We didn’t give a more direct theme, to not accidentally push everyone into the same dungeon, but we hoped that participants would utilize the environment to the fullest by adding the bonus conditions of having their character visible in the picture and by having the gpose camera distance set to either 0 or 200.

The entries in this category split the jury. Each judge had a different favorite among the entries, so it was impossible for us to come to a conclusive decision. We apologize for that, as we did not expect such a result. Therefore, once again, every participant will receive the first place reward of 2 million gil and a piece from our πŸ‰ Dragon Loot! Enjoy!

Entries are posted in submit order. The jury will not say who each judge’s favorite entry was.

Beam me up Scotty – Shadow Cross

Story: A crossover between Star Trek and Final Fantasy 14

We discover a new planet full aliens forms of life, from plants to animals. Several civilizations exists, from normal size humans to small and big pointy ears humans, to bunny and cat person, we even saw some scaly and big cats people. Fascinating! It resembles that they are still in the early years of space travelling but several people among them, so called adventures, can do use some sort of power to perform feats of imaginable power. A planet to be in touch and watch over.

Captain’s Log: Stardate 202306.25

We love the intriguing take on an alien landscape. Even though the image was taken with the maximum camera distance, scrolling in close still made for a fun angle. Good job <3 But the Text can’t bribe us! (Still love the text tho :D)

“Disaster of Doma” – Rox

We love the smile, the perspective is great and memes, of course, are always great. The results page is written before our Recap Discord event, but we hope we can get a bit more insight how this image happened to come!
Jace: This image is proved that Lalafells are a menace! πŸ˜€

Surpassing your limits! – Mojo Viii

As you gaze into the eyes of this mythical creature, your heart quickens, and a surge of adrenaline courses through your veins. The very ground beneath you trembles with anticipation, mirroring the fierce determination within your soul. This is a battle that surpasses all limitsβ€”a test of your strength, resilience, and unyielding spirit.

The serpent’s scales shimmer like molten gold, its slithering form exuding an aura of primal might. Its eyes, ablaze with a fiery intensity, pierce through the shadows, challenging you to stand tall amidst the searing heat and unleash your inner valor.

We do not often have battle screenshots, and I am all for them. β™₯

Moon reflection in the Deep – Dashing Nemophilist

The usage of environment and perspective to create the horns is just as nice as Rox’ replica of a meme. It also reminds of Tsukuyomi! Amazing!! Also, great dungeon choice, even if not a lot can be seen from it.

And that’s the Results. Thank you to everyone who participated. We hope you will be happy with the prizes you got, and we are looking forward to the next contest. What prompts or limiting conditions would you prefer in the next screenshot contest?

Also, we hope you enjoyed the final PowerPoint too and the open discussion on all pictures too! ^_^

We had a photo contest as well recently, so what other kind of contests could we host next? How about a cooking contest? Or a drawing contest next? Karaoke/Music Contest???
