Casual Wednesday – E3 Edition
Wed 18:00ST, 16 Jun 2021

Hello, ladies, look at your Wednesday evening, now back to this event, now back at your Wednesday evening, now back to this event.
Sadly, it isn’t this event, but if it stopped having social anxiety and switched to excessive amounts of shittalking, it could feel like it’s Casual Wednesday.
Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a treasure hunt with the evening your evening could feel like.
What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an treasure map with eight tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the treasure maps are now rare materials.
Anything is possible when your Wednesday feels like Casual Wednesday and not sobbing lonely while binging Netflix.
I’m on a peacock.

Also we discuss E3 topics and general non-sense. Join if you want to hang out for the weirdest evening of the week.

by Kong