Laila’s Macro Treehouse

Hello and Welcome to the Macro FFXIV Guide. This is more intended for beginners and maybe just as a quick refresher if you forgot something.

This is a WIP

I need your Input! PM me on Discord to further advance this guide.


Also, if the Macros look a bit broken on this site. I can assure they work in ffxiv as intended. It is hard to get the correct styling for/form ffxiv macros. If you happen to know the correct styling please enlighten me. Also, ffxiv has special symbols(Links to Reddit). That will not be displayed correctly here.

          _ _ _,,..,,,,
     (:(    )
      |:| ・ω・   | We're toast...
      |:|      |

How to macro?

Lesson 1: Chat Macros

Open the System Menu and click on “User Macros”.

You get Individual (Character) and Shared (Account-wide) macros.

You get 15 lines for a single macro, every line is a line in the chat.

So basically if you want to just say “Hello World” with your macro just type “Hello World” into your macro and activate it. Then you gonna say “Hellow World” in your current Chat window.

specify the Chat

/say [mes.]/s
/yell [mes.]/y
/shout [mes.]/sh
/tell[PC_name] [mes.]/t[PC_name]
/reply [msg]/r
/party [mes.]/p
/freecompany [mes.]/fc
/linkshell[num] [mes.]/l[num]
/cwlinkshell[num] [mes.]/cwl[num]
/echo [mes.]/e

While this is not updated anymore, this was a great resource to check out all Commands in a category sorted way:

Usually I keep my macros without the chat specifier. Because i like it that way! But you do you. Most useful are chat specifiers when used for hunting! Here my hunting macro:

/shout A Hunt  <t> at <pos>!  
/l6  A Hunt  <t> at <pos>! 
/l3  A Hunt  <t> at <pos>! 
/l4  A Hunt  <t> at <pos>! 
/l1  A Hunt  <t> at <pos>! 

Oh no, we have met new terms to learn! Also i am going to stay with “Shorthand” commands because nobody is using the full things anyway!


<t>My current target name will be filled in
<pos>My current pos
<flag>My current flag

Whats a Flag? Easy! It’s a marked point on your map.

PC: CTRL + Right-click
PS4: L1 + R1 while on map

A Flag!

To complete the lesson you need to know about the /ac specifier.

/ac "Living Dead"
/party I used Living Dead
/macroicon "Living Dead"

/ac means to do an action. But, you have to remember a macro is executed fast. So if you want to queue actions, you have to put a wait timer after your action. Also, it is important that you know actions can not be queued with macros. For example when you press CastX and then another CastX before the globalcooldown (gcd) is ready, your press is queued and it will happen right after the gcd is ready. If you macro your actions they cannot queue and will always just active when ready and commanded!

That means attacking with macros is dps loss. Always.

Typical Fishing Hook Macros

/ac "Hook" <me> 
/wait 11.5 
/ac "Mooch" <me> 
/ac "Cast" <me>
/macroicon "Hook"
/ac "Powerful Hookset" <me> 
/wait 11.5 
/ac "Mooch" <me> 
/ac "Cast" <me>
/macroicon "Powerful Hookset" 
/ac "Precision Hookset" <me> 
/wait 11.5 
/ac "Mooch" <me> 
/ac "Cast" <me>
/macroicon "Precision Hookset" 
/micon "gig"
/echo starting <wait.4>
/ac "gig" <wait.9>
/echo continue <wait.2>
/ac "gig" <wait.9>
/echo continue <wait.2>
/ac "gig" <wait.9>
/echo continue <wait.1>
/ac "gig" <wait.5>
/ac "Shark Eye" <wait.1>
/ac "Flying Mount Roulette"

HUD and System Macros

Crafting hotbars made easy:

Have one of your crafting classes hotbars set up. In this case we take the BSM Hotbar 1 and put it on my current class on hotbar 1. Skills will adjust automatically aswell to your current class. So its really made easy. 🙂

/hotbar copy BSM 1 current 1

Basically it says: copy FROMCLASS HOTBARNUM CURRENTCLASS HOTBARNUM basically. You can also do this if you do not feel like changing your class 🙂

/hotbar copy BSM 1 GSM 1

Also, for Controllers:

/chotbar copy BSM 1 current 1

Also, here premade macros, to adjust all classes in easy clicks.

/hotbar copy current 1 CRP 1
/hotbar copy current 1 BSM 1
/hotbar copy current 1 ARM 1
/hotbar copy current 1 GSM 1
/hotbar copy current 1 LTW 1
/hotbar copy current 1 WVR 1
/hotbar copy current 1 ALC 1
/hotbar copy current 1 CUL 1
/hotbar copy current 2 CRP 2
/hotbar copy current 2 BSM 2
/hotbar copy current 2 ARM 2
/hotbar copy current 2 GSM 2
/hotbar copy current 2 LTW 2
/hotbar copy current 2 WVR 2
/hotbar copy current 2 ALC 2
/hotbar copy current 2 CUL 2
/hotbar copy current 3 CRP 3
/hotbar copy current 3 BSM 3
/hotbar copy current 3 ARM 3
/hotbar copy current 3 GSM 3
/hotbar copy current 3 LTW 3
/hotbar copy current 3 WVR 3
/hotbar copy current 3 ALC 3
/hotbar copy current 3 CUL 3
/hotbar copy current 4 CRP 4
/hotbar copy current 4 BSM 4
/hotbar copy current 4 ARM 4
/hotbar copy current 4 GSM 4
/hotbar copy current 4 LTW 4
/hotbar copy current 4 WVR 4
/hotbar copy current 4 ALC 4
/hotbar copy current 4 CUL 4

Eureka On

/micon "Think" emote
/bfx party simple
/bfx other off
/soundeffectsparty 35
/soundeffectsother 20
/hud "Experience Bar" on

Eureka Off

/micon "Examine Self" emote
/bfx party all
/bfx other all
/soundeffectsparty 80
/soundeffectsother 80
/hud "Experience Bar" off

Looking for reactive Hotbars? With gifs, videos and a lot of explanation? Here is a link to reddit, with everything you are looking for.

Blue Mage Macros

Macroing BLU spells is slightly different than normal spells, having to use the /blueaction command instead. Some spells such as Feather Rain or Eruption can be macro’d to target the enemy directly.

/micon "Feather Rain" blueaction
/blueaction "Feather Rain" <t>
/micon "Eruption" blueaction
/blueaction "Eruption" <t>

Angel Whisper is BLU’s very own revive, and like the other revive spells, we can macro it to target in a set priority. In this case, it would try to use the spell on your target, then your focus target, and then go down your party list.

/micon "Angel Whisper" blueaction
/merror off
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <t>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <f>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <2>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <3>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <4>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <5>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <6>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <7>
/blueaction "Angel Whisper" <8>

Additionally, we can load a BLU preset with macros too.

/bluespellbook preset 1 (or 2, 3, ...)

Fun Macros

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  (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )
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            
                          YOUR DPS GAVE ME CANCER
             ∧,,∧    ∧,,∧
        ∧∧   (´・ω・)   (・ω・`)   ∧∧
     (´・ω)  (∪ U)   ( つと ノ  (ω・`)
    |   U) ∧∧u-_____∧,,,∧    (∪ ノ∧∧
      u-u    ( ´・)(  (⌒ (´・ω・`) \   (・` )
       (    ∪    \  ヽノ(,,⊃⌒O~⌒ヽと  ノ
          `u-u'       \ //;;;::*:::*:::*:::*:ヽ`u-u'   ∧∧
              ∧∧    ( (:::;;:*;∧∧*.:::*::*:::  ∧∧ (ω・`)
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          ( ´・) (    ∪       \      ι   )──~と      ) ─u'
         | U)   `u-u'       ̄`u-u' ̄ ̄ ̄~.`u-u'
                        | Oh good, cookie stocks |
                        |     are on the rise.             |
               ∧_∧  ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ┌ (つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
        旦 \:/        /
         |    FF XIV - ARR               [-][口][×]  |
      | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
      |   ハ,,ハ                             |
         | ( ゚ω゚)  Should we Wipe again?        |
      | ────                       |
      |    ______  ______   ______     |
      |    |   Yes(Y) || No(N)||    Abort    |    |
      |     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     |
      ____.______            |    GET OUT.
    |        |        |     |
    |        |    ∧_∧    |           |    
    |        |( ・∀・)つ ミ    |    
    |        |/ ⊃  ノ   |     |
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄               |     ε ⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ
                          |   (   ( ・ω・ )s
        ☆  ,-- 、    +          .---  .、                   +
     ※       /::::.\ ☆      +      /:::::::. ヽ
   +        /::::::::, ゝ--────--.../::::::::::::. \   ※
               /,  -   '                  ヽ:::::::::  |           +
       ※ / /           \        ヽ::: J  +
          /     ●        ●                  ソ
          (   , , ,     ♥             +      )          ※
   ※   (          (_人__丿  """           J      +
       + \         ヽノ      ☆       ノ
               \  /⌒⌒i   /⌒ヽ       ノ   +
        ※        `   /       |     |       \                      ☆
   +                HEAVY BREATHING             ※
                   DID SOMEONE SAY BONUS?
    /                         \
    |     Time to      |
    |     wipe to      |
    |        easy         |
    |  mechanics   |
        〃∩ ∧_∧
       ⊂⌒( ´・ω・)
         `ヽ_っ_/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
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