Masquerading Dragons – A Halloween Costume Show
Sat 18:00ST, 30 Oct 2021

Since Yoshi-P delayed Halloween, we will do our own little thing, with blackja… with costumes and spooks.

Let’s celebrate Halloween by dressing up our dress up anime characters as ghosts, taxmen, zombies and all sorts of scary things. The FC house has (finally) received a new spooky inside, with all the things you could expect from Halloween except for any Halloween seasonal item, since they are way too expensive in the mogstation. But candles, monsters, we have some of that.

The event is simple: I will choose a theme at random, and everyone will have 10 minutes to come up with the best glamour possible for that theme. What you use for the glamour is enterily up to you. Then, we will show them off in the room prepared for that in the FC house, and repeat.

No requirements of any kind, let’s throw some costumes together and see what happens 🙂

by Jasar Dann