Among Dragons – Proximity Edition!
Mon 19:00ST, 7 Dec 2020

Prepare yourselves, Dragons, for amazing crewmate (and imposter) antics… with a twist!
Thanks to a mod we have for the game we’ll be able to play Among Us where we can talk during the game. But only if we’re close to each other!
Depending on how close you are it will range in volume from your normal talking volume all the way down to a tiny whisper (and then boom, gone).

What do you need if you want to join?
-Among Us on PC
-Mic/sound through your pc
-A mod installed called Crewlink (you can find this in the link below)

If you want to join, hit the emote below and contact Radca or Ryve if you need any help with the setup.
Once installed, you’re just about ready.

by Radca Kernal